冶金(黑色、有色)行業用耐火材料簡介 Refractory Material for Metallurgical Industry (Ferrous and Non-ferrous)
本公司第二事業部生產的耐火材料產品主要服務於國內外冶金行業。本公司在建廠之初,就與日本黑崎播磨株式會社建立了技術合作關係,在冶金用耐火材料的制作上掌握了國際先進水平的技術。在精煉爐、鐵水罐、混鐵爐、高爐熱風爐、大型冶金灰窯、有色金屬冶煉用耐火材料的方面, 無論品種還是質量都取得了良好的成績。很多產品以產頂進滿足了設計和使用要求,如本公司為國內寶鋼、武鋼、太鋼、攀鋼、馬鋼等配套生產RH爐外脫氧真空電熔再結合鎂鉻磚系列制品;為貴溪冶煉廠、銅陵有色、金隆銅業公司等國內大型有色行業配套直接結合鎂鉻、半再結合鎂鉻、電熔再結合鎂鉻及各種鎂鉻質澆注料系列制品;為寶鋼、馬鋼、上鋼一廠、首鋼援津巴韋鋼廠、酒泉鋼廠等鋼鐵企業提供大型高爐、熱風爐用低蠕變莫來石系列制品、莫來石–堇青石組合磚、硅線石磚、微孔燒成鋁炭磚及鋼包裝體、鐵溝、渣溝、支溝等澆注料、預制件等列制品;為日本新日鐵株式會社、日本鋼管株式會社等鋼廠混鐵車提供二氧化鋁-碳化硅-碳系列制品。


The products of the Company's Business Division II are mainly used in the domestic and overseas metallurgical industry. Since its inception, the Company has established a technology cooperation with Krosaki Harima Corporation (黑崎播磨株式會社) in Japan, thereby having a good grasp of world-class advanced technology in the manufacture of metallurgic refractory materials. The metallurgical refractory products for non-ferrous metals achieved excellent results in terms of variety and quality when used in finery, pouring ladles, mixers blast furnace and hot air furnace, large metallurgical lime kiln, etc. Many of the Company's products fully meet the requirements as to design and usage. For example, the Company produces fused rebonded magnesia-chrome brick in deoxidation vacuum device outside RH furnace for Baoshan Steel (寶鋼), Wuhan Steel (武鋼), Taiyuan Steel (太鋼), Panzhihua Steel (攀鋼) and Maanshan Steel (馬鋼) in the PRC; produces direct bonded magnesia-chrome brick, semi-rebonded magnesia-chrome brick, fused rebonded magnesia-chrome brick and various castable magnesia-chrome castable series for companies such as Guixi Metallurgical plant (貴溪冶煉廠), Tongling non-ferrous metal Co (銅陵有色), Jinlong copper industry plant (金隆銅業公司), etc. in the large non-ferrous field; supplies low creep mullite brick, cordierite mullite brick, sillimanite brick and micro-porous alumina-carbon brick for the construction of large blast furnace and hot air furnace, as well as casting stuffs and prefabricated components such as iron ladle, iron ditch, dreg ditch and branch ditch for iron and steel corporations such as Baoshan Steel (寶鋼), Maanshan Steel (馬鋼), No. 1 Factory of Shanghai Steel (上鋼一廠), The Zimbabwe steel plant assisted by Capital steel Co. (首鋼援津巴韋鋼廠), Jiuquan steel plant (酒泉鋼廠), etc.; and supplies aluminium dioxide - carborundum - carbon product series for the torpedoes hot metal mixer car of steel mills such as New Nippon Steel Corporation (日本新日鐵株式會社), N.K.K. Corporation (日本鋼管株式會社), etc.

In recent years, the Company and Krosaki Harima Corporation (黑崎播磨株式會社) in Japan furthered their technical cooperation by contributing considerable manpower and materials and financial resources in the production process from the selection of materials to the manufacture of final products. After numerous proofs and tests, the Company's technical solutions and processing lines have been constantly optimized to establish a whole set of production technology for bonded and semi-rebonded magnesia-chrome brick. The fused rebonded magnesia-chrome brick, alumina-carbon brick and quality high purity magnesia brick manufactured in ultra-high temperature (1,850 ℃) by the Company have been widely used by foreign users such as New Nippon Steel Corporation (日本新日鐵株式會社), N.K.K. Corporation (日本鋼管株式會社) and N.K.K.Yawata Works (八幡制鐵所), paving a new way for the export of PRC's refractory products and laying a foundation for the optimization of refractory materials resources of the PRC. In addition to its eight major refractory product series which can satisfy general needs of steel mills, the Business Division II has also developed various products with distinctive features in accordance with the specific requirements of the metallurgical industry for its customers' reference and use.